Why You Should Be Using Beard Oil & Beard Balm EVERYDAY!

Why You Should Be Using Beard Oil & Beard Balm EVERYDAY!

If you want to be a winner in life, it starts with you!

If you want your beard to look and feel amazing you need to show up everyday by using beard oil and balm 2x daily minimum! Use A.M. & P.M. for the best results. If you feel your bead is still dry or not giving off that shine you'd like to see you can throw in a mid day treatment. 

How You Can Implement This Into Your Daily Routine

  • A good habit to start is to keep your Beard Products next to your toothbrush. That way after brushing your teeth in the morning and at night, applying oil and balm into your beard will become a natural part of your routine and it even takes less time then it does to brush!
  • Keep your products out on the bathroom counter so you see them! We keep the look astatically pleasing to the eye.  
  • Set reminders on your phone for the first 3 weeks until this becomes a habit and is a natural part of your routine. 
  • Remember your beard goals and visualize your soon to be desired beard by sticking to your beard care routine. 

Why Using Beard Oil and Beard Balm Everyday Will Improve Your Beard and Skin Health

  • Helps your beard grow
  • Helps reduce inflammation
  • Hydrates & Softens your beard hairs
  • Prevents beard itch & dandruff
  • Tame fly-away hairs
  • Promotes Healthy Beard Growth
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